Detective Pikachu and My Love of Mystery Games

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Detective Pikachu for the Nintendo 3DS combined my love for mysteries and Pokémon. I have always loved mysteries. I played mystery games as a kid and enjoy reading mystery books. I also grew up with the Pokémon anime and the Game Boy Color games. I was excited to play this and even got the Pikachu amiibo for it.


I enjoyed Detective Pikachu because I liked Pikachu. I enjoyed his personality and how he was a good detective. I also thought it was really cute that he liked coffee so much because he reminded me of my mom and her love of coffee.

I also like pressing the Pikachu icon to see what he would do.  I enjoyed the detective tips and Pikachu talking. That button was also useful to hear dialogue about the case when it lit up.

It was fascinating that Pikachu could gather testimony from the other Pokémon. Tim, the main character,  and I would hear Pokémon sounds but Pikachu could hear what they were saying. It added a fun twist to the detective mystery when I could gather testimony from humans and Pokémon.

First Case

The first case involved trying to find a lost necklace. Some Aipom take the necklace and then the story branches out to find which Pokémon took the necklace. It was a fun introduction to the characters and how sleuthing works.

I enjoyed looking for clues and gathering testimony from the humans and Pokémon. The clues were not too hard to find in the first case because the game guided me through it. A big part is not only gathering clues, but working with Pikachu to figure out what the clues mean to figure out how to progress the story further such as which direction did the Aipom with the necklace go.

I enjoyed that the first case was well thought out with little twists instead of being super obvious. The game was not too hard because it is for children. But, I still had to take time to think and examine my clues so make sure I figured out where the necklace went.

Main Story

The main mystery involves the disappearance of Tim’s father and why some Pokemon are going berserk. I will not spoil either one of these mysteries, you will have to play the game to find out what happens!

I will say that the main story is interesting and there are plenty of twists and turns. Most of the cases revolve around the main plot of the story and figuring out where Tim’s father is. I liked how the plot developed and loved going through each case until the story reached a conclusion.

Final Thoughts

I enjoyed the game and I am hoping that they might might make a sequel because I really enjoyed this game. I thought it was a good detective game with a good mystery. It was also not too challenging, but there was a couple times where I did need extra time to figure clues out.

I recommend that you get this game for the Nintendo 3DS. It has cute mysteries with a great main story. It is perfect for fans of Pokémon and mystery games!

What are some of your favorite mystery games?

2 thoughts on “Detective Pikachu and My Love of Mystery Games

  1. I did try this game out for myself. It was pretty neat, but it didn’t quite ascend any higher than that level in my book. The idea of a mystery game (or even just an adventure game) set in this universe has a lot of potential, but to me, it comes across as a watered-down version of the Ace Attorney franchise. Still, it could be a good introduction to the genre for kids.

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    1. It is tailored for kids so I agree that it is not a complex mystery. If they do decide to do a sequel and make the game more challenging and complex, it would be an amazing mystery game! But, I was just going into the game looking for a mystery game involving Pikachu and was not expecting the game to be complex so I really enjoyed the game!

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