Sunshine Blogger Award from The Gaming Diaries

sunshine blogger award

The Gaming Diaries nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I am very excited to receive this award and I am grateful that The Gaming Diaries thought of me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! A project I really enjoyed from The Gaming Diaries recently was reading her post on the Question of the Month!


The rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions they ask you
  • Nominate 11 blogs and write them 11 question
  • List the rules and display the logo in your post and/or on your blog


1. What is the game you are most looking forward to being released this year? (Any already released in 2019 don’t count)

I would say Kingdom Hearts 3, but that was just released. In that case, I think the second game I am most looking forward to playing is Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn for the Nintendo 3DS. This is a remake of a game I have never played, but it looks adorable and I am looking forward to playing it!

2. If you could cosplay as any character from any game who would you choose?

I would cosplay as Kassandra from Assassin Creed Odyssey. I was really thinking about this question because there are a lot of characters that would be fun to cosplay, but Kassandra wins because I really love her character and would love to dress up as her!
3. What film, TV series or book would you like to see as a video game? (If any)

Sucker Punch is a film that would probably be really cool in a video game format! There are action sequences that would really well in a video game and the gripping story would work well in a video game!

4. What game would you like to play for the first time again? A complete fresh start with no memories of playing it before.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The story was so amazing and I looked forward to playing it every day once I was done doing homework in college! The plot was engaging and the side quests were really fun!
5. What was the first game you played this year?

Assassin Creed Odyssey was the first game I played this year because I really love the story of the game and love exploring Greece! I just started playing again since I finished Kingdom Hearts 3!
6. If you could visit any in game world, where would you choose?

I would love to visit Skyrim from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! The world is so beautiful and I would love to meet the different people in Skyrim and try a sweet roll!
7. Physical or digital copies of games?

I prefer physical just because I love the box art on the physical copy of games!
8. What do you wish non-gamers could understand about gaming?

That video games are actually very positive and are not just mindless entertainment. They can have positive effects on mental health like they help my anxiety. I also wish people knew that they tell really fantastic and emotional stories!
9. How do you think you have changed as a blogger?

I have only been blogging for a few months, but I feel like I am doing much better at communicating with other bloggers! I also feel that I am understanding how to write better as a blogger instead of writing like I am writing an essay.
10. Do you have any goals for your blog this year? If so, what are they?

Honestly my goals for blogging are always just to have fun and to make other people smile when they read my blog! I just like putting my thoughts out there and knowing that people enjoying reading what I write!
11. What advice would you give people about blogging?

I would say my advice is just focus on enjoying what you write and what you want to write about instead of focusing too much on statistics! I would also recommend finding other bloggers to follow through social media so you can communicate with other bloggers!

My Nominations and Questions



  1. What is your favorite video game series?
  2. What video game or video game series have you always wanted to try?
  3. What was your favorite childhood video game?
  4. What is your favorite part about playing video games?
  5. What is your favorite video game console?
  6. Do you prefer single-player or multiplayer games?
  7. What is one of your favorite video game sidequests?
  8. What is your favorite video game boss?
  9. What was the hardest video game boss you have fought?
  10. What is your favorite video game character?
  11. What video game animal would you like to have as a pet? (Ex: moogle)


19 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award from The Gaming Diaries

  1. Thank you so much! Very kind of you! You have some very sound advice and goals up there from the look of it!

    Also, I had never thought of it, but Sucker Punch would be a super stylish game to check out if they ever did that. That was a fun unexpected answer. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This isn’t inherently related to the SBA post, but I appreciate the follow! Also, our home pages on WordPress look NEAR IDENTICAL LOL Not sure how that happened, but clearly great minds think alike! 😛 I look forward to perusing your back catalog sometime!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just chose a WordPress theme that I liked and apparently we both went with similar color schemes! I remember I liked that it kinda resembled the colors of a Playstation 4 which was my first console!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My main goal was just to have a “night mode” kind of look so it’s easy on the eyes. But I liked how the “ice blue” kind of went with it 😛 It’s one of my favorite colors

        Liked by 1 person

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